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Nordic Walking Pole Length

Nordic Walking Pole Length Chart
Nordic Walking is walking with 'all of your body'. This means you are using your arms as well as you legs to generate power while walking. Compared to walking without poles, Nordic Walking is said to produce up to 46 % increase in energy consumption (Cooper Institute, 2002).

Everything you need to start Nordic Walking (in addition to walking/running shoes) is poles. It is of great importance that you choose right sized poles. Let us help you determine your Nordic Walking pole length...

Nordic Walking Pole Length, Moderate

Nordic Walking pole length chart for moderate intensity Nordic Walking (slow or medium speed). See also pole length chart for intensive (fast) Nordic Walking below.
The Nordic Walking pole length chart is unisex.
150 4'11'' 105
155 5'1'' 110
160 5'3'' 110
165 5'5'' 115
170 5'7'' 120
175 5'9'' 125
180 5'11'' 125
185 6'1'' 130
190 6'3'' 135
195 6'5'' 135
200 6'7'' 140

Nordic Walking Pole Length, Intensive

Nordic Walking pole length chart for high intensity Nordic Walking (high speed). See also pole length chart for Nordic Running here (running with poles).
The Nordic Walking pole length chart is unisex.
150 4'11'' 110
155 5'1'' 115
160 5'3'' 115
165 5'5'' 120
170 5'7'' 125
175 5'9'' 130
180 5'11'' 130
185 6'1'' 135
190 6'3'' 140
195 6'5'' 140
200 6'7'' 145

See also:

Tips, Tricks or Questions about Nordic Walking?

Tips, tricks or questions about Nordic Walking? Please post it below. Thanks!

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Sizes may vary with brands, models and manufacturers. Due to this fact, we can not guarantee that our size charts always will show the right sizes.

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MG // Martin Granum

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