Full Size: A full size, official, soccer field / football pitch has the following measurements: Touchlines (the longer sides): 100 - 130 yd (90-120 m) Goal lines (the shorter sides) 50-100 yd (45-90 m) International Match Field Size: For international matches, the field dimensions are: Touchlines: 110 - 120 yd (100-110 m) Goal lines: 70 - 80 yd (64-75 m) Goal Size: Inner edges of the posts: 8 yd (7.32 m) apart 8 ft (2.44 m) above ground Other Markings: For all full size soccer fields (football pitches), these markings are the same: "The box" (also called "the 18 yard box", "the penalty box": 18 yd (16.5 m) x 44 yd (40.3 m) The goal area (also called "the six-yard box"): 6 yd (5 m) x 20 yd (18.3) Penalty spot: 12 yd (11 m) Centre mark: The centre mark is found right in the middle of the field (half touchline length x half goal line length) Centre circle: 10 yd (9.15) in diameter. Centre mark in centre. Corner area: 1 yd (1 m) quarter circles from the corners (x4) |